Sunday, April 27, 2014

Our Challenge

Too often, as humans we assume an opinion of another before we really know them.  We've heard the saying "don't judge a book by it's cover," yet everyday our eyes scan crowds making millisecond judgements based on clothing, hair color, skin color, height, weight, accent, language, or attitude.  We look at the outside as the whole of a person and we forget to look inside at the soul of the human being.
Maybe it is that we don't want to burden ourselves with another person's emotional baggage (if they even have any!), that we are comfortable in our own social clicks, or that our snap-judgements based on what we see on the outside have made us jaded against those whom we hardly even know.  Or maybe you have met this person, and you have "decided" you do not "like" them.  Then please ask yourself, do you know their whole story?  Why they act the way that they do?  Their background could be littered with experiences that contribute to their actions at present, and you turning your back on them simply adds to that list of negative experiences.  Let's not be that person.

As humans, our patience wanes. Thus, often there comes along that person with whom you have absolutely no patience.
This week, mis amigos, challenge yourself to love someone you have difficulty loving. Show them you care. Act kindly and gently towards them. Simply smile at them. Maybe this is what they need to feel loved, and you are just the right person to give them that gift. Love can do wonders.

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